Thursday, November 21, 2019

Week 12 Term 1 Learner Profile

Grade 5 took action and shared about Human Rights Day. The United Nations has declared that children basically have 30 rights. These rights include everything from being born free and equal to no slavery or torture. 

We have embarked on a new Learner Profile called knowledgeable. The younger children were read a story entitled "A Day in the Park." In this story, we did some math and went over vocabulary such as total, altogether and went away. We also counted to 100. The librarian and children had a conversation about not talking to or accepting candy from strangers. 

Upper Elementary learned about a lady who was discriminated against  with Jim Crow Laws in the USA because she was black.

She; however, got a job working for NASA and she worked her way up to become a supervisor.

Her  name was Dorothy Vaughan and she could calculate math so fast that she was known as a human computer. 

We figured the moral of this story is to do your math homework and girls are equal to boys. 

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