Thursday, November 7, 2019

Kindergarten - Term 1 Week 10

This week Kindergarten class got a new feature - a toy kitchen! The students were all really excited and have loved playing with it every day. The students have been creating family-like scenarios to act out during Snack and Lunch play times. This natural play links nicely to the topic of Families we are learning about in Inquiry. The students are also able to act out being a chef,vet, delivery man or postman, which links to the topic of Community we will learn about in the next few weeks.

We also gained a Mystery Box which was used to reveal an antique item from Ms. Rebecca's (and her mother's) childhood. The students guessed what the item was before the big reveal. We discussed things we remember from the past and things we know about our family from before we were born.

This week we were researchers! The students went home and asked their parents questions about what food/toy they liked when they were young and reported back to the class.

The students used a questionnaire to ask their classmates questions and find out information about their families and homes. Using that information, they then compared their homes and families to their classmate's through drawings.

In Math, we focused on skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. The students are starting to pick it up. We we review this over the next few weeks! Here are a couple of activities we completed:

In Language, we studied '-at' words. We enjoyed playing games such as racing to spell the words and competing against other table members to 'slap the board' on the correct word/picture.

Friday's Show and Tell

Every Friday we also reflect on the photos taken in class from the last week

Some random photos from the week's Center Times:

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