Saturday, November 16, 2019

Telling Time and Mapping in grade 3

This week in Math we began to talk about telling time on analog clocks.  We began by practicing how to set various times on our clocks while we worked in our interactive Math notebooks.  

Later in the week we made our own clocks using 2 paper plates, some construction paper and a pipe cleaner.  The top paper plate shows the numbers as they would read on an analog clock.  The bottom plate shows the actual minutes.  This is to help the students understand how to read a clock properly.  The students had fun making and designing their own analog clocks.

Every Tuesday as a school we have morning meeting!  Grade 3 always plays Happy Birthday.  They have been working really hard on learning it on their own!  

During language block this past week we talked about mapping terms that we will later use during our inquiry block.  Students enjoyed guessing at which word goes into each sentence, trying to decode what the sentence and the words in the word bank mean.

As part of our inquiry unit, students are learning how to read a map and understand that maps change over time.  This week they created their own maps of a pretend place.  They needed to create a scavenger hunt for someone to try to navigate their way around their map and find a hidden treasure!  They showed their creativity and their knowledge of mapping skills by making sure that they used coordinates, symbols and directions.

In our inquiry unit, Where We Are In Place and Time, one of our learner profiles is Open-Minded.  This week we read a story about Velvet and how all the kids at first thought she was strange.  However by the end of the story, the other kids in the story realized that she is the same as them.  As a class we talked about how we can be more open-minded in the future.  They talked about not judging each other, being more helpful and more understanding!

On Friday, we played a Math game where students had to pair up and using a timer, we played a game to see which team could correctly set the most times on their clocks.  The kids had fun challenging themselves, trying to set difficult times for each other!

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