Thursday, September 5, 2019

Grade 5: Week 2

This week the children have been furthering their understanding of what a world with and without human rights looks like. We made connections to these and the Global Goals by creating human rights trees. They also wrote setting descriptions of a dystopian society where rights were ignored. Have a look at some of the great pieces of work the children made. 

In maths and language, the children have been exploring and collaborating to gain an understanding. In language we have been looking at different sentence structures, thinking about what makes a simple sentence and how we can expand them to give more detail. Those that were confident enough to coach helped their peers.

In maths, we have continued to look at the place value of numbers up to 10 million. The children worked together to compare and order themselves in both ascending and descending order. They've worked hard to not only answers questions but to explain and provide proof.

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