Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Preschool: Studying Light and Sound with Kindergarten

Last Thursday, we started a project with Kindergarten. We discussed fireworks, particularly how they work and what holidays are celebrated with fireworks. These discussions allow us to be inquirers as well as open-minded since we are learning about other cultures and the mechanics behind fireworks.

We also made our own firework artwork! We used salt and glue on black paper to create the outline of the fireworks, and once it dried, we finished our fireworks with bright paint on Monday.

For language, we have been practicing asking each other questions such as What, Who, and Why. We rolled a ball to each other while asking and answering these questions. This activity helped us to get to know our classmates a little better. In addition to this, we also used the mystery bag to choose a letter. After we chose the letter, we had to find its match on the blue carpet, and as a class, we thought of many words that started with the letter we picked.

For math, we practiced an estimating game. I placed 5-20 toys in different zip lock bags, and we guessed how many were in each bag. We recorded our guesses, and then counted the items to test if our predictions were correct. We were very excited when we came close to the actual number!

During math, we also used collaboration skills to create bridges and ramps out of cardboard and tape. We had to become thinkers and risk-takers to determine how to get our cars and trains from the yellow table to the blue table.

Speaking of collaboration, this week will be our last collaboration with 6th grade for How We Express Ourselves. We had a reflection downstairs where we discussed our favorite pieces with 6th grade, and we created a video to share with you on Friday! We can not wait to show you our hard work! See you on Friday!

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