Thursday, October 3, 2019

Kindergarten - Term 1 Week 6

We began the week with a fun activity to use up the paints from last Friday - we don't want to waste! The students painted a picture of another member of the class:

We then got stuck into the Inquiry topic - the students showed a strong interest in their nationalities and the countries of the world. We acknowledged the nationalities of the class and went to the library to pick out some books in other languages for our international bookshelf in the classroom.

We also listened to and looked at Hindi, Arabic, Cantonese, Mandarin, Tagalog and Korean and discussed what they sounded like. It made certain students feel special to be the only ones in the class to understand those languages. We will listen to some more languages next week!

We looked at what some of the flags looked like. This week, we looked at the flags of Russia, the UK, the Philippines, Azerbaijan, and Taiwan. Next week we will look at the flags of Japan, Hong Kong, China, Brunei, Turkey, and Pakistan!

The flags integrated nicely into Math class, where we looked at how many shapes and colours were in the flags and how many letters were in the country names. In Language class, the students could identify countries beginning with the letters we were practicing in class on Google Maps. The students were also able to 'fill in the blank' and correct the spellings of country names (e.g.,  '_ussia = Russia). Here are photos of some of the activities we did:

The students could practice writing numbers as words in sentences about the countries' flags.

Here are some photos from Center Time. The students had four centers: colour by numbers, magnetic toys, playdough, math/alphabet iPad/computer games

I created an area to proudly and clearly display our weekly table monitors. Table monitors assist the teacher by doing small jobs around the classroom. Students can become table monitors if they display positive attitudes and good behaviour. 

The students also coloured some leaves to decorate our class height chart tree:

Some photos Ms. Anna took from Music class:

Some pictures from our first Show and Tell on Friday afternoon. The students also enjoyed looking at and reflecting on these photos taken from this week.

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