Growth Mindsets

This week, Grade 4 have been investigating how our attitudes have an impact on our views of success, challenge and failure. More specifically, we have been looking at growth versus fixed mindsets. The children have each decided in groups how they will promote a growth mindset attitude to the rest of the school. We have had a wide range of actions - from videos, posters and animations to games that help promote the idea of a growth mindset for kindergarten children and younger. It is exciting to see how their ideas will develop before being tried and tested by the other children in the school.
Celebrating Ada Lovelace

A group of children decided to lead the class in the celebration of Ada Lovelace day this Tuesday after finding out about her during their biographical research sessions. The children led the class in a variety of activities including art, science and history centered around the famous mathematician and computer programmer. It was great to see children taking such positive, independent action based on their interests.
Our class has been collaborating this week with Grade 3 and Grade 5 to practice a performance piece for the celebration of learning next week. As the week has progressed, the children have displayed a growth mindset and as result their recital is becoming more and more harmonized and impressive for such a short amount of time.
Literacy week and Reading Challenge
Well done to all the children for smashing our class reading target of 5000 pages within one week! We have increased the target for next week - keep up the great work.
Remember to take part in our school writing challenge - entries in by Tuesday 15th October.
Finally, we have our book character parade on Thursday - hope to see everyone dressed up!
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