Thursday, January 23, 2020

Grade 1 Term 2 - Week 3

What we are learning about in Grade 1

Inquiry: People write in different ways to express ideas
Learner Profile: Inquirer
Transdisciplinary Skill: Communication Skills - Communicating with others through letter writing, working together as a team to retell a story (beginning, middle and end) and share the elements of it (characters, setting, plot), learning and sharing our ideas with Grade 6 students
Mathematics: Addition - Fact family of 10 and 20, continued working with number sentences and the signs in a number sentence, introduced place value, using base 10 blocks to express ourselves mathematically
Reading: Recognizing the structure and elements of a story, use sources of information and prior knowledge, personal stories and experiences to make meaning, guided reading, buddy reading
Writing: Explore different text types and their purpose (Letter writing and comic/manga)

Shared writing - Letter to parents about our field trip:

Dear mom and dad,

Hello! The Manga Workshop we we went to yesterday was fun. We learned how to draw our own character. We drew a boy and a girl. We got to roll a dice and choose which hair style, eyes, nose and face to draw. We learned that if we draw our eyes on the top half of our face, it will make the character look older. If we draw our eyes on the bottom half of our face and make it look bigger, the character will look younger.

We will start to draw our own comic at school and link into our inquiry – How we express ourselves. Can’t wait to show you my comic! School is great!

Grade 1s

Other highlights of the week:

Learning about how other animal communicate

Some of us can write our own names in another language asides from English!

Reading the letters we wrote :)

Buddy Reading time with the Grade 6s

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