Thursday, January 9, 2020

Grade 1 - Start of Term 2!

What we are learning about in Grade 1

Inquiry: People write in different ways to express ideas
Learner Profile: Inquirer
Transdisciplinary Skill: Communication Skills- retell a story (beginning, middle and end) and share the elements of it (characters, setting, plot)
Mathematics: Incorporating our Days of the Week, Months of the Year knowledge to use during our daily Morning Calendar presentation. Practiced skip counting, introduced number sentences and the signs in a number sentence.
Reading: Reading comprehension, introduced the genre of fiction and the differences between fiction and non-fiction, Guided Reading
Writing: Retelling a story with sentence prompts, identifying the author and illustrator 

Shared writing of a retell of a read aloud story:

We read a book called Little Cloud, the author and illustrator is Eric Carle. In the beginning, the little cloud went away from the bigger clouds to touch the top of the trees and houses. In the middle, the little cloud changed to look like a sheep, an airplane, a rabbit, a shark, two trees, a hat and a clown. In the end, it rained because all the clouds drifted back together to make a big cloud.

Highlights of the week

Taking action by expressing our love to the people affected by the bush fire in Australia:


Borrowing fiction books from the library:


Responding to a piece of music with our drawing and choice of colors:

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