Thursday, January 24, 2019

Grade 4 - Communication Collaboration and Word Study

This week, the 4th Grade students collaborated with Grade 1 to create artwork related to their central idea about expressing feelings.  The goal for 4th Grade was to be positive partners as communicators using both listening and speaking skills along with showing patience and tolerance towards different opinions and skill levels and making decisions together.  After creating the art, the students presented it and explained what they were proud of with their communication and group work.

After doing this activity, we then reflected on how we could use the same attitudes and skills that we used with the Grade 1 students in our own classroom when working with each other to make our own work better and work time more productive.  

During our Word Study time on Thursday, I could really see them applying these attitudes towards their work.  They were focused, communicative and productive.  I hope to continue reflecting on our collaboration in order to help promote positive group work and communication in our class!

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