Thursday, September 27, 2018

Grade 5 and 6 Work Rights Week 5

Grade 5 and 6 went on an excursion on Wednesday, September 26, 2018. 

At the beginning of the trip, we went to a park in Saitama.

The park had a zip-line, fountains, a baseball diamond, a soccer pitch and a jungle gym play area with slides. 

There was a nature area too. 

We ate at the park's indoor facility.

Our class, then, toured  Glico Factory in Chiba. 

The owner made his snack healthy and he lived until the ripe old age of 99 years of age.

Image result for glico factory

Image result for glico factory

We saw the production of a Pocky inside a factory from the dough to the end product. We were not allowed take pictures except for certain places. 

This factory produces Pocky and Pretz. 

We found out that the founder of Glico's first product was a carmel that had enough calories to allow a runner to run 300 meters. The original neon runner sign is still seen in Osaka and served as the first advertisement for this company. The company's name was derived from the "glycogen" found in oysters (and used in Glico's caramels) and the word "company." 

Glico is a global company and has many factories around the world.

We saw 1500 toys that were put in Glico's packages over their years.

The children viewed the different packages of Pocky over time from 1960 until now. The students had fun taking a quiz about their experience and winning prizes. We talked about unions and how they brought safe work conditions and fair wages to factories. We agreed that everyone should have the right to work by joining a union or not. We could see that Glico's factory is a very safe place. 

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