Thursday, February 9, 2017

2/10/2017 Grade 3 How the World Works Term 2

 We took some photos of the Jinsho and JIES Art exhibition before it was taken down.
 The students could get in this piece of art and play house.

 Grade 3 got a better knowledge on how people express themselves in art and creativity. 
We noticed some linear perspective with a vanishing point and made a connection to the work that we had done earlier in the year.

We got weighed and measure by some PTA members during this week too.
We saw many interesting buildings along our route to see the exhibits at the Taro Okemoto Memorial Museum Studio on Thursday.

We even consulted a giant compass to lead us to the right place.

On part of the route, we went into the subway to get warm and avoid a zebra stripped crossing. 

 Grade 3 went up an escalator in the subway to the museum.
 Signs along way helped us the get to the place faster.
The all-glass Prada building was amazing!

There were patterns everywhere that we went!

Finally, Grade reached our destination and saw the trademark sign of the artist.
 Postmortem pictures and a waxed figurine  of Taro Okamoto and his wife greeted us as we entered the museum. Okamoto is known as the Picasso of Japan. 

Eren posed in front of a picture of Taro Okamoto.

 Strange intertwined statues made our excursion worthwhile!
 The painting by Taro Okamoto looks like it is reaching out and touching the vases. The vases were actually done by another artist, Noritaka Tatehana, who is a protege of Taro and Surrealism. This exhibition was called the "Aesthetics of Magic." 
Taro designed many functional chairs that we could sit in while we were in the museum. 

 We were enthusiastic to see the forms and functions of the Taro studio with canvases, brushes, clay, paint and oils and wire.
 Okamoto quite a sense of humor and he had no boundaries in his art.

 The students could see that Okamoto liked faces and mask. 
Some of the work was very spiky!

 During a movie about Taro, the children saw many quotes by him in English and in Japanese.
 "In youth, it is always good to start from the beginning."
This quote is about risk-taking. "The more you are afraid of something then the more you should plunge into it!"
There was a sketch pad for the children to draw on also. 

The best part of the trip was striking and ringing a bell that looked like a Stegosaurus's tail! If you and your child want to see more Okamoto in Tokyo then you can go to the Shibuya Train Station to see a mural, the Kawasaki Museum, and look outside the UN University. 
 Japanese Day was today. The children partook in a green tea ceremony.
 It was funny to look at some of the people's faces after drinking such a bitter drink.
 We also formed rice balls with our hands and put our favorite ingredients inside.
 The children played a game about going around our town.
We made concentric shapes on discs and spun tops. 

This is one of our commercials from our last unit "How We Express Ourselves."

Talal did a supermarket commercial with apples! He was a communicator, used creativity and was very independent when making this ad!

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