Thursday, December 12, 2019

Kindergarten -Term 1 Week 15

The last week of Term 1! We have been sooo busy in Kindergarten, especially during Inquiry, where we have spent a lot of time learning the words and practicing for our Winter Performance on Monday. The students practiced again this morning and they sounded amazing! We are ready for our dress rehearsal this afternoon and the theater performance on Monday!

We also finished off the theme, 'Where We Are in Place and Time' and the line of inquiry 'Important events differ from family to family' by reviewing the events that our families celebrate. The students thought of birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Ramadan, and New Year. The students completed their third investigation, and gathered information from their classmates about the events they celebrate in their families.

On Thursday afternoon, we recycled and used some unused classroom materials to make snowmen (plastic bags, scrap paper, unused wool/yarn). I showed them some examples of recycled snowmen that had been made from old lightbulbs, bottle caps, and shredded paper to inspire their creativity. 
I gave the students complete freedom as to which materials to use and how they wanted their snowmen to look. However, I encouraged them to use the recycled materials as we don't usually get the opportunity to use them! 

 The snowmen looked amazing and each one was different which was excellent! I am so proud!

In Language, we learnt and practiced some 'u' cvc words. I gave the students some clues for them to work out the word from (e.g., 'spiders and butterflies' = 'bug'). We also learnt that the middle letters of the words we have been learning the last five weeks are vowels (a, e, i, o, u).

We we were able to incorporate the spellings words into addition and subtraction in Math. 

We bought two toy phones for the classroom and we caught the students taking 'selfies' with them! How sweet!

I am extremely proud of some mystery students who used their thinking skills to add to the shopping list in the toy kitchen - well done!!!

Here are some photos from morning/snack/lunch playtimes throughout the week. 

Have a great Winter holiday everyone! :)

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