The arts are important areas of learning in the Primary Years Programme (PYP). Students will learn
the disciplines of visual arts, music and drama, as well as learning about the arts (the skills and
processes involved) and through the arts (artists, perspectives, themes and ideas using the arts). In all
areas of learning, the PYP teacher values imagination, creativity and original thinking. This may be
especially evident through the arts. The creative disciplines of visual arts, music and drama are closely
connected to each other, as well as having strong links to other disciplines. The creative process is
seen as a driving force in learning through inquiry
students explore, develop and express their ideas using visual arts. In elements
of art and design, students consider the practical and theoretical aspects of art and design: line, shape,
form, colour, texture and pattern as well as balance, emphasis, rhythm, unity, variety, repetition,
proportion, tension, contrast and space. They also understand the importance of taking care of tools
and materials and are aware of health and safety aspects associated with using a variety of tools and