Friday, February 9, 2018

Grade 1 Week 5 How We Express Ourselves Celebration

This week we got weighed!

Grade 1 also got measured. We would like to thank the medically inclined parents who were involved in the process.

Sule's bird is staying warm on a snowy day.

We have started to put together our portfolios.

We used prepositions to write sentences. As a story starter, the teacher wrote "I am cold and I need to get my coat on." Azmi wrote another sentence to finish the story all by himself- "So, I will get my coat from home." Most of the children don't know how to write sentences yet but they are learning!

We had a Celebration of Learning!

The parents rotated between stations to listen to the children's poster presentations. Our purpose was to learn to research, read and recite. Nobody wrote their sentences on their own. They had a lot of help from the teacher. The students did pick their own Emojos and traffic signs. 95% of the handwriting is from the students themselves.

The parents were instrumental in the student's learning. 

Here are some of our posters! This one is really graphic! Kai said that he knows a person who smokes.

Snow White and the wicked witch is mentioned here!

Simba's poster is about a snail trying to cross the road. His sign is about diverging traffic.

This sign indicates to slow down and watch out for children!

Elysia's poster is on traffic safety!

Rashid shared about slippery and curvy roads.

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