Thursday, September 21, 2017

Grade 4: Week 4 Who We Are

In Grade 4 after learning about what is a fixed mindset vs. a growth mindset, we are getting ready to do a case study to try and answer the question, "Do people succeed more with a growth mindset or a fixed mindset?" We would like to try and prove that what we have been learning is correct.  In order to first determine if our interview subjects have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset, the students developed questions that they could ask to help them determine this.  They did a great job and here are the ones they came up with. 

This next photo was not posed, but once I saw how engaged and interested all the students were in sharing their input, I had to ask them to freeze and take a photo! 

We've also been working on writing interesting/descriptive sentences and using dialogue in writing to prepare for our upcoming task of writing a story about success, challenge, and failure.  I'm really looking forward to seeing the stories that every creates!

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