Friday, August 31, 2018

Grade 6 Who We Are Term 1 Week 1

We have been doing Words Their Way in our Spelling.  This week, we sorted the words into categories to help us remember how to spell them. For example, some of us sorted words with the (VCE) Vowel Consonant E pattern.  

These boys used the Smart Board for  their sorting. 

The children generated a crossword puzzles on the computer with their spelling words too.  We printed them out and had our neighbor do our sheet. 

We made an Essential Agreement with classroom rules and signed it.

Our class looked into Hammurabi's Code of Law. This king was the person who gave us our common law in our court systems of today. 

There were over 282 laws that people had to obey. We did case studies and decided how we would make the law code. The students also reacted to the laws of 1754 BC.  Hammurabi is famous for "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." 

We have started to read "Yoko's Diary." We will relate this book to human rights. 

The students have been learning the "ins and outs" of  5th and 6th Grade such as not keeping a water bottle on our desks.

We played the "I Have a Secret" game as an ice breaker. 

Our classes have been experimenting with 3-D lettering using a flat sheet of paper.  We took the one initial of our name and made it stand out.  Leyla's created this "L" and the teacher put a real ball beside it and lined paper behind the letter.  

Diego  and Eren did this "E" to create an obstacle illusion. 

Sana, Sumire and Sean drew this "S."

Jin made this "J." 

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