Thursday, September 19, 2019

PRE-K What we can do when we feel Angry

This week for our Unit of Inquiry,
we talked about our feelings and what we can do when we feel Angry.
Students each drew their own Angry faces
and discussed about what we do when are Angry
(some students mentioned 'I cry', 'I shout', 'I hit' etc)
Then we discussed further as a group 
what Good, or better choices we can make
when we feel upset or angry.

  • Tell mum and dad / or the teacher
  • Read a book
  • Keep our hands and feet to ourselves
  • Talk to your friend
  • Apologize by saying sorry

Students learning to record their voice on the Ipad

Problem Solving
'We are making a rectangle tower'
'But we have no more square blocks'
'I can make a square with two triangles!'

Cooking and serving at a restaurant

New memory game
Learning to take turns, to recognize the pictures and memorize

Show and Tell
Learning to share their favorite toy from home in front of their classmates
Questioning and Answering,
helps to develop their speaking skills, thinking skills and confidence

Whispering Game
The whole class trying to get the correct WORD after going around everyone

Second Week for Buddy Reading
Our students enjoy the upper Grade students coming over to 
read them a story book of their choice,
They have been asking questions and really enjoyed 
talking about the book

We hope you all have a lovely, safe long weekend :)

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